Customized report prepared for:

Matt Davis


Who is Ken?

Ken Coleman is America’s Career Coach, a #1 bestselling author and host of the nationally syndicated radio show, The Ken Coleman Show. His mission is to help people discover the contribution they were created to make in and through their work. Listen to the show here.

Why This Assessment Is Important

Because you’re important! The world needs what you have to offer, and you’re about to get clear on what you were born to do. That clarity will give you the confidence to step out and the courage to stay on the path to fulfilling your purpose. When you use what you do best to do the work that you love, in order to accomplish the results that matter deeply to you, you’ll make the difference you were created to make.

Putting This Information Into Practice

The information in this assessment is a great starting point. Ken Coleman’s book From Paycheck to Purpose goes more in depth and walks you through the clear path to doing work you love. As you walk through the seven stages, you’ll gain the clarity and confidence to become who you are meant to be. And here’s a bonus: By taking this assessment you’ve already completed Stage 1, Get Clear. Boom! You were created to fulfill a unique role. You are needed. You have what it takes. And you must do it.

The Get Clear Diagram

As illustrated in this diagram, when your talent, passion and mission come together, you’ll experience incredible clarity and purpose. That’s when you’ll make the maximum impact and get “the juice”—the enthusiasm that comes from doing what you were put on this planet to do!

The diagram below represents how all of the content in this report comes together. Here’s how we define each term:

          • Talent—what you do best
          • Passion—the type of work you love to do
          • Mission—the results that matter deeply to you

There are four main types of work where your specific talents and passions can—and should—be used. As you review your results, look for how different areas of application connect to the work that appeals to you.

          • People—I’m good at working with people; I love working with people.
          • Ideas—I’m good at working with ideas; I love working with ideas.
          • Processes—I’m good at working with processes; I love working with processes.
          • Objects—I’m good at working with objects; I love working with objects.

You now have a custom guide that clarifies and verifies your top talents, your top passions and your professional mission. And your unique purpose statement is going to help you discover multiple options for meaningful work in your career. This report aligns all of these aspects to help you discover what you were created to do.

Every workplace skill can be grouped into 12 categories of talent. You’re about to discover the specific talents that make you who you are and help you stand out.

Top Talent #1


Talent Summary

You’re highly observant and you have an unusual ability to understand the world around you. You’re good at researching, trying to understand how things work, and engaging in intellectual activity or discussions. You view and study things closely, weighing all the perspectives and taking all the details into consideration. You’re constantly gathering new information about events, systems, objects, people and ideas. You catch the details that other people miss.
Areas of Application: Ideas and Processes (see page 3)

How You Wow Others


Attention to details

Researching information

Critical thinking


What Others Say About You

You’re a good problem-solver.

Will you review this for accuracy?

You seem to know a lot of random facts.

Will you research some options?

I’m so glad you caught that issue.

Talent Traps to Avoid

Being distracted by something new to learn or observe

Being too critical or negative of people and projects

Top Talent #2


Talent Summary

You’re good at creating order out of chaos and inventing or improving systems. Coming up with new and better processes is easy and you enjoy managing all the variables in a complex situation. You’re able to grasp the big picture of a project, task or idea and then work backward to see how all the parts come together. You operate well with rules, routine and clear expectations. Spending a Saturday organizing a messy closet would be a piece of cake for you.
Areas of Application: Ideas and Processes (see page 3)

How You Wow Others


Noticing and organizing details


Implementing systems

Coming up with solutions

What Others Say About You

You keep us on track.

You’re so organized.

This place would fall apart without you.

How do you keep up with everything?

I knew you would find the information.

Talent Traps to Avoid

Not allowing space for spontaneity

Judging those who aren’t as organized

Top Talent #3


Talent Summary

You have a strong sense of right and wrong and you’re quick to defend the vulnerable. You have a high “justice meter” and you can imagine yourself in others’ situations. You’re skilled at dealing with matters of morality, lawfulness and fairness. You’re good at protecting the weak and challenging injustice. You have above-average confrontation skills. You stand up against people who are abusing their power or getting away with breaking the rules.
Areas of Application: People and Ideas (see page 3)

How You Wow Others

Critical thinking

Defining right and wrong

Putting others first

Seeking social change

Standing up for your beliefs

What Others Say About You

You care so much about people.

Thank you for taking a stand.

I appreciate how you speak up.

You’re making a difference.

I admire your courage.

Talent Traps to Avoid

Pressuring others to align with your morality or beliefs

Always putting a cause or the needs of others before yourself


Now you’re clear on what you do best! To the right, you’ll see how you scored on each of the 12 talents from highest to lowest. There are three keys to using your talent properly and unlocking your potential.


Think of your Top 3 talents as high-performance tools. When a majority of your work involves these talents, you’ll stand out and move up!





These talents are valuable because they support your super talents and they can be developed into super talents. With dedication, learning and experience, these talents will add to your high-performance tools.








You didn’t fail this part of the assessment. Everybody has weaknesses. Be aware of these subpar talents and rest assured that someone else is super at these. Don’t waste time trying to develop these.




*For the definition of each Talent above, please refer to Full Glossary Appendix 1-4 at the end of your results.

All work can be grouped into 15 categories of passion. You’re about to discover the work that excites you and makes two hours feel like 20 minutes.

Top Passion #1


Passion Summary

You lose track of time when you’re examining an issue or an object and breaking it down into its various parts so you can better understand its whole. You’re fascinated by patterns and connections. You enjoy digging deep so you can understand the root cause of the topic, problem or task at hand. You’re inclined to reject wishful thinking and emotional decision-making so you can focus on the facts, understand key factors, and come to a sound conclusion.
Areas of Application: Processes and Objects (see page 3)

Work You Love to Do

Researching an issue

Exploring various options

Simplifying complex ideas or problems

Solving problems

Observing and understanding details

Figuring out how things work

Looking for patterns and key factors

Improving processes and productivity

Examining all the details of a project

Critical thinking related to a problem or task

Passion Pitfalls to Avoid

Becoming disconnected from others

Paralysis by analysis leads you to not do anything

Top Passion #2


Passion Summary

You love making things with your hands. The physical experience of making original or useful things gives you the juice. You feel most productive when you’re making things either by inventing, building or constructing them. You thrive when you’re using your skills to make tangible things that people will use to make their lives more comfortable, more enjoyable or more efficient. You enjoy using a variety of tools. You find great pleasure in putting all the pieces together.
Areas of Application: Ideas and Objects (see page 3)

Work You Love to Do

Building with your hands


Home construction

Making new gadgets and tools

Auto assembly


Furniture building and carpentry

Computer assembly


Using new tools and equipment

Passion Pitfalls to Avoid

Not experiencing the joy of the moment

Always looking for a new thing to create

Top Passion #3


Passion Summary

Digging in and gathering information gives you the juice. You’re excited by discovery, curiosity, problem-solving and learning new things. You lose track of time when you’re reading books or watching media about a topic that interests you. You want to understand the true origin of a source and you take pride in sticking to the facts, revising theories and investigating a matter fully. When you’re working on a project, others recognize your ability to research the details.
Areas of Application: Ideas and Processes (see page 3)

Work You Love to Do

Presenting details

Strategic thinking


Researching information


Testing ideas and options

Experimenting with alternatives

Learning about a topic

Predicting outcomes

Providing new information

Passion Pitfalls to Avoid

Becoming obsessed with the search for new information

Gathering so many options and opinions that you get lost


Now you’re clear on the work you love to do! To the right, you’ll see how you scored on each of the 15 passions from highest to lowest. You need to be aware of three feelings so you can do the work you love and unleash your passion.


You should spend about 75% of your day working within your Top 3 passions. When this is happening your engagement, enthusiasm and effectiveness will set you apart.





Spending 20% of your day in this work is about the right mix. Too much of it will lead you to leave your job. Be aware that as you’re advancing, this work also allows you to learn and do what's necessary to get to the work you love.











Let’s face it—there are some things you just don’t like to do. A maximum of 5% of this work is the goal. Understand that there will be seasons where you’ll do more of this work while paying your dues.




*For the definition of each Passion above, please refer to Full Glossary Appendix 5–9 at the end of your results.

The results of work can be grouped into six categories of mission. You’re about to discover the contribution you want to make through your work and the “why” behind it.

Top Mission


You Want to Produce New Things and Ideas

You’re motivated by creating original, better and different products or services. You feel significance when you’re creating new things for others. Whether it be an idea, a piece of art, a business, a book, a song, a makeover, a design or clothing, you want to imagine a new thing that makes an impact on others and brings value to their lives. You’re motivated and energized by originality, beauty and venturing into new territory where no one else has been.

Results That Fire You Up

Developing a new product

Coming up with new content

Building something new

Writing a story, poem or song

Designing a room, website or clothing

Mission Missteps

Too much dreaming and not enough doing

Not being open to collaboration


Now you’re clear on the results you want to produce and the impact you want to make through your work! To the right, you’ll see how you scored on each of the six missions from highest to lowest. There are three possible feelings about the results of your work to consider.


It’s personal! You see the results of your work as a crusade that must be waged and won. Your work is providing a vital solution to a big problem that specific people have.



It’s cool. You see the results of your work as important and a valuable solution to a problem that some people have.





It’s . . . whatever. You see the results of your work as the basic requirement to keep getting a paycheck.



*For the definition of each Mission above, please refer to Full Glossary Appendix 10–11 at the end of your results.

This is exciting! You’re now clear on what you do best, the work you love to do and the results you want to accomplish. It’s time to put it all together and give you the answer to the question: What was I born to do? The puzzle comes together on the next page.


When your talent, passion, and mission come together, you’ll experience incredible clarity and purpose. That’s when you’ll have the maximum impact—that’s when you feel the juice! Your head will know it and your heart will feel it.

Working with Talent only . . .

can make you successful.

Working with Talent + Passion . . .

can give you job satisfaction.

Working with Talent + Passion + Mission . . .

will lead you to achieve success, experience satisfaction and find significance in your work and in your life.


Inspection, Organization, Justice,


Analyzing, Making, Researching,




Now that you have your Purpose Statement, get feedback from others to verify your results.

Congratulations! You’ve had your “big reveal.” That’s a huge deal! You’ve done what few people will ever do. Getting clear is your home base. Knowing you can retreat to clarity at any time means no matter what life throws at you, you’ll be able to get up, dust yourself off and get back on the path. Now it’s time to earn your ticket to get on the track to your dream job. Keep pressing on!


Most people never discover that there's a very clear path to their dream job. It's actually a very practical process-seven sequential stages-for discovering and doing the work you were meant to do.

The Clear Path to Meaningful Work

Stage 2: Get Qualified

Now that you have clarity on your purpose—that’s Stage 1, Get Clear—it’s time to get qualified for your work. That’s Stage 2. Start by asking yourself these four questions: What do I need to learn? What do I need to do? What will it cost? and How long will it take? While a degree is sometimes necessary, more and more employers no longer require a bachelor’s degree. If higher education is not the only way or the best way, don’t do it! As a starting point, check out the Ramsey Career Hub for alternative opportunities to get qualified.


From Paycheck to Purpose

From Paycheck to Purpose walks you through seven stages for discovering what you were born to do. This is the clear path to the work you love. Whether you’re looking to get hired in your first job out of college or get promoted as you grow in your career, this book is for you! You’ll gain the clarity and confidence to become who you are meant to be. From Paycheck to Purpose is available here.

The Proximity Principle

The Proximity Principle demystifies the questions about who you need to know and where you need to be in order to find new opportunities. This is the proven strategy that will lead to the career you love. The Proximity Principle is available here.

Resumé Guide

If you want to get noticed, it’s time to make your resumé noticeable. Ken has a simple, five-step guide that will help you stand out in the hiring process. Ken’s resumé guide is free and available here.

Get Hired Course

The job market is tough and extremely competitive—but career expert Ken Coleman will give you the tools and strategy you need to stand out! It’s time to make your dream job a reality and the Get Hired Digital Course can help. You can find it here.

Additional Resources

The Ken Coleman Show

Join America’s Career Coach, Ken Coleman, as he delivers practical advice to help you discover the role you were born to play—and map out a plan to get you there! You can listen to The Ken Coleman Show on the Ramsey Network app, on your favorite podcast platform or watch episodes here.


If you’re tired of living paycheck to paycheck and always feeling stressed about money, guess what? You don’t have to live like that anymore. When you budget (aka a plan for your money), you can spend and save with confidence. Say goodby to that overwhelmed feeling when you take control of your money with EveryDollar. You can learn more about EveryDollar here.

Follow Ken on Social

You can follow Ken Coleman online at