
Hopefully after reading this guide, you’re feeling more equipped, empowered and ready to start investing for your future. The decision you make today to start building wealth could change your family tree—forever! How cool would it be to have enough money saved up to pass down to your children and your children’s children?

But you might be wondering, Where do I even start? We’re glad you asked! Here are a few things you can do right now to help keep your momentum going.

Use our retirement assessment tool.

Our free retirement assessment tool is designed to give you a personalized retirement goal based on how much money you’ll need to meet your lifestyle needs, and how much you’ll need to invest every month to help you get there.

Start investing 15% of your income for retirement.

You can’t go back in time and tell your younger self to start investing in a 401(k). But you can do the next best thing and start investing today! If you have zero consumer debt and a fully funded emergency fund, you’re ready to go. Figure out how much you need to save each month to hit that 15% mark. Start taking advantage of that company match at work. Set up some automatic contributions to a Roth IRA. You’ve got this!

Connect with a SmartVestor Pro.

Remember, you don’t have to figure all this stuff out on your own. Investing and saving for retirement is a decades-long journey full of ups and downs, and it helps to have someone there to guide you through it. So, if you’re ready to get started, set up a meeting with a SmartVestor Pro and they’ll help you come up with a plan to invest for the future.

Find your investment pro today!

Ramsey Solutions is a paid, non-client promoter of participating pros.

This content provides general guidelines about investing topics. Your situation may be unique. To discuss a plan for your situation, connect with an investing pro.