Protect Your Wishes With Powers of Attorney
Take the worries out of creating your legal powers of attorney and will—in just 20 minutes or less.

How Your Powers of Attorney Help You

Protect Your Wishes
By naming your financial and medical powers of attorney, your family will know who you've chosen to make your decisions if something were to happen to you.
Peace of Mind
Your wishes will be handled exactly as you’ve decided with your will and durable powers of attorney.
Legal Confidence
These documents will be legally binding in your state.
Your Personalized Power of Attorney Bundle
For $159, you'll be set up with a state-specific, legally binding will, financial power of attorney, and medical power of attorney. All you have to do is print, get it signed by two witnesses, and get it notarized.

Medical Power of Attorney
Health power of attorney. Health care power of attorney. Medical power of attorney. Yep, they're all the same thing! This is where you'll name someone you trust to decide on medical treatments if you can't, and where you'll document any additional end-of-life wishes. We recommend using this in place of a living will.

Finance Power of Attorney
If you were unable to make financial decisions like manage insurance policies and benefits or pay your bills or taxes, who could do it for you? That's where your financial power of attorney comes in. Name someone you would trust to carry out those financial tasks for you.

Last Will & Testament
This is where you'll list things like legal guardians if you have kids, the naming of your personal representative and beneficiaries, and any inheritance instructions. Thinking of setting up a will for your spouse? We've got you covered with a mirror will option that is only an additional $90.
Learn More About Your Will and Powers of Attorney in Our Frequently Asked Questions
Why Ramsey Chose Mama Bear Legal Forms
Documents Built by Attorneys
These are state-specific and legally binding documents prepared by attorneys just for you.
All-Inclusive Coverage
You will get these three essential documents in your bundle: medical power of attorney, financial power of attorney and your will.
Make Changes for Six Months Free
You're able to make changes to your will and powers of attorney for up to 180 days for FREE.
Learn More About Your Will and Powers of Attorney in Our Frequently Asked Questions

What People Have to Say:

My wife and I have two young daughters and wanted to be sure our wills were in place before we traveled for our anniversary. Way cheaper than an attorney and was really easy to complete! Just had them notarized at the bank this morning and we're set.
— Ryan
How It Works
1. Build Your Document
Make an account and fill out the form in minutes.
2. Save & Print
Save your progress, download and print your legal documents.
3. Sign & Make It Legal
Sign in front of witnesses and a notary and file in a safe place.
Your Complete Will Package
Individual Package
✓ Last Will and Testament
✓ Health Power of Attorney
✓ Finance Power of Attorney
For You: $159
Spousal Package
✓ Two Last Will and Testaments
✓ Two Health Powers of Attorney
✓ Two Finance Powers of Attorney
For You & Your Spouse: $249
Powers of Attorney Frequently Asked Questions
What Is a Durable Power of Attorney and do I Need One?
A durable power of attorney is a legal document that authorizes a person you have chosen (known as your “attorney in fact” or “agent”) to handle your health care decisions or financial decisions for you if something were to happen to you and you were unable to make decisions for yourself.
Every adult should have a durable power of attorney for their medical and financial powers of attorney so they can designate someone to handle medical and financial decisions in an emergency. If a person becomes incapacitated and has not signed powers of attorney, their family may be required to ask a court to appoint a guardian or conservator to handle decisions. This can be a complex and expensive process overseen by a court.
When Does a Durable Power of Attorney Take Effect?
A medical power of attorney usually takes effect when your attending physician determines you are incapable of making your own health care decisions.
Typically, a financial power of attorney takes effect immediately upon signing. Your agent can act whenever they are needed without a doctor determining that you’re incapacitated. However, if you’re reluctant to grant your agent broad powers to act on your behalf when you’re able to act for yourself, you can prepare a “springing power” that allows your agent’s authority to spring into effect only when your physician determines that you are incapacitated.
Can I Change or Cancel a Durable Power of Attorney?
You can amend or revoke a power of attorney at any time by notifying your agent of the amendment or revocation, or in the case of a medical power of attorney, notifying your attending physician, or other health care provider. Otherwise a power of attorney ends when your agent receives notice of your death.
Do I Need a Living Will?
A living will is not your last will and testament. A living will is often referred to as an advance health directive, and includes written instructions regarding the withholding or withdrawal of certain life support equipment or medical procedures in an end of life situation. The difference between a living will and a medical power of attorney is essentially a piece of paper vs. a person.
A medical power of attorney is a lot more flexible than a living will, which is why this bundle doesn't include a living will.
Who Should I Name as My Agent?
Your agent should be a competent adult, who fully understands your desires and beliefs related to your health care or finances, is completely trustworthy, and is willing to accept responsibility for making decisions.
A family member is usually designated to serve because they are familiar with your wishes regarding your health care and can be trusted to handle your assets carefully. Your agent does not need to live in the same city as you do, but in the event of incapacity, it is important that your agent be available to help. A power of attorney should name a co-agent or a successor agent to act if your primary agent cannot serve.