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Trust a RamseyTrusted Agent or REALTOR® With Your Home

1. Tell us who you are.
2. Compare up to three agents.
3. Close with confidence!

Who doesn’t have trust issues (with real estate agents)?

You shouldn’t have to be stuck with an agent who just wants your cash. Instead, work with an agent who has been interviewed and approved by our team. You’ll get an agent you can trust who actually cares about your needs, and helps you stay in control.

Enjoy Homeownership

Working with a RamseyTrusted agent near you means you’re partnered with the best of the best in their market. It means connecting with a local agent who will meet you where you are. They’ll help you reach your goals and get the biggest bang for your buck—that’s why they’re RamseyTrusted.

And the best part? It’s free to connect.
Here’s what happens when you work with the best agents near you: 

You’ll be living in your new digs or pocketing cash quicker than the average home buyer or seller.

How? Our agents close 2x faster than other agents on average.

You'll be living in your new digs or pocketing cash quicker than the average home buyer or seller.
You get to choose a local agent who is dedicated to serving you.

Choose the best agent near you. They’re dedicated to providing top-notch service.

Our agents have several years of full-time experience and actively partner with our coaching team to strengthen their skills.

Your financial situation will always be top of mind.

When you have an ideal budget or price point in mind, you need an agent you can trust to back you on it. RamseyTrusted pros care about your financial success, not just their bottom line.

Your financial situation will always be top of mind.
More than 2,500 agents nationwide.
125,000+ families served.
Serving you with trusted agents for 20+ years.

Connect with a Pro to Help You Navigate
the Housing Market

When you’re buying or selling a home, you need an agent who’s worthy of your trust. Between the competitive housing market and the number of subpar agents out there, you need a quick and simple way to find the right person to work with. Don’t settle for an agent who’s more interested in playing golf than actually helping you—work with the best agents around.

Ramsey's Customer Success Agents | Find a Real Estate Agent or a Realtor

You’ve Got an Advocate!

Your RamseyTrusted agent is your go-to for all things real estate. But if you have questions about how to connect with a real estate agent or about one you’re already working with, that’s where our Customer Success Agents come in. They’re team members on our staff who will fight for you and walk through this experience with you. They’re your advocates, here to make sure you understand your next steps and help you find the right real estate agent for your needs.

Call today: 866.523.8473

I've been stationed overseas and when my father passed away a few months ago, I found it difficult to sell my childhood home. Thankfully, my RamseyTrusted pro, Chris, showed overwhelming compassion and understanding of the situation and guided me through the difficult time. He is an honest and forthright gentleman that I would enthusiastically recommend to anyone!

John A.

We were connected with Vicky who was our local RamseyTrusted real estate pro. We couldn't believe how helpful, responsive and knowledgeable she was during our home-buying experience. She understood our values and advocated for us, making us feel confident every step of the way. She has killer negotiation skills and knows her stuff. We will 100% trust Vicky with finding or selling our next home!

Ben J.

In two and a half months, our RamseyTrusted pro, Diane, and her team listed our condo and transformed it into something I didn't think was possible. She helped us secure a full-price, cash offer in three days. I can’t express enough how valuable Diane was—she lived up to and exceeded my expectations!

Paul J.

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We don't work with mediocre.

The real estate agents in our program are RamseyTrusted. And that’s a big deal. It means they're the only real estate pros Dave Ramsey and his team trust to serve you with excellence, no matter what their title is. Side note: Not all agents are REALTORS® (and that’s okay) and not all REALTORS® are RamseyTrusted. The agents who go by REALTOR® are members of the National Association of REALTORS® and pay to use that title. RamseyTrusted agents need to be the best of the best, whether they’re called REALTORS® or not.