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EveryDollar Updates

Goal Setting and Tracking

Availability: Premium users

Date of release: August 19, 2022

Technically, you've been able to set up and track savings and payoff goals for years with sinking funds, but we knew we could make some improvements. Don’t panic—funds aren't going anywhere. But we’ve added a new goal setting feature so you can easily set up, track and make progress on your financial goals.

You can use this feature on both desktop and mobile, but you have to set up your goals on the desktop version for now. Here’s how to get started:

First, open the web version of EveryDollar and click Goals in the left-hand list.

EveryDollar Web

Next, click Add Goal and choose whether it’s a savings or payoff goal.

Select goal type

Set the name, amount and date you want to hit your goal by. Then we'll tell you how much you need to save each month to hit your goal in time.

Goal insights

Once you click Add Goal, it'll automatically be added to your budget in a new category. Head back to your budget and start making progress right away! When you click on the goal in your budget view, you can see all the information in the panel on the right.

Budget View

When you hit your goal, mark it as complete, and make a new one!

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