Lead a virtual FPU class and spread hope from the comfort of your home! You'll help people discover the proven plan to stop the cycle of money stress for good. It's all a part of Ramsey+, the all-access membership to the best money tools, including FPU.
People are hurting right now. And they need HOPE. They need people—just like you—to help them crush debt, ditch money stress, and take control of their futures. As an FPU coordinator, you’ll help people around the country say "never again!" to money being an obstacle to living the life they've always dreamed of.

Schedule your class.
It only takes five minutes. -
Promote your class.
We’ll show you how. And we’ll help promote it too. -
Members watch the videos.
It’s like Netflix but better! -
Meet online for discussion.
Think of it like a virtual book club.
Been a while since your last class? No worries. We’ve made some updates to make it easier for you to lead. We’ll be with you every step of the way from the moment you decide to lead.

“We had our first virtual class last night, and it was a good experience. I was very nervous going into it, not knowing how well it would be received. But I was pleasantly surprised by the turnout and the enthusiasm.”
— Milton L.

“I love it. Engagement has increased. I may never go back to in-person classes.”
— Valerie C.

“I just finished my first FPU class. It was so exciting. I was a little afraid because I am not computer savvy and I taught it through Zoom, but it all turned out great. I can’t wait until next week. I faced my fears!”
— Sherri T.

You’ll get the up-to-date video lessons and digital Coordinator Guide at no cost. Plus you get a free year of Ramsey+ to keep you motivated on your own journey. Ramsey+ is the all-access membership to the best money tools, including the premium version of EveryDollar and the new FinancialPeace and BabySteps apps.
How do people join my class?
If you set your class as public, we’ll list it on our Class Finder page to help people across the country find your class. But personal invitation is always the #1 way to invite people to your class—you can share your unique class link with your friends, your family or anyone interested your class.
Is there a limit to how many people can join my class?
No, your class size is up to you! For larger groups, we recommend breaking into small groups for the discussion.
If you’re leading a virtual class, we do recommend no more than 15 people to have the best online discussion. -
How much does it cost to lead a class?
It’s free to coordinate Financial Peace University! We’ll give you everything you need to lead in an easy-to-use digital Coordinator Guide. And as our thanks for leading a class, we'll toss in a free year of Ramsey+ to help you stay motivated on your own journey.
What do I need to lead FPU? Are there any prerequisites?
Anyone can coordinate FPU! You don’t need to be debt-free, have a degree in finance, or even have gone through the class. All you need to lead is a location or video conferencing tool and the free, digital Coordinator Guide, which you’ll use to guide the class discussions and activities.
Do coordinators get paid?
Coordinators are volunteers with a passion for helping others learn how to win with money. While coordinators aren’t paid, they do receive special perks—like a free year of Ramsey+, product discounts, exclusive access to events and more!
Do I receive guidance or training from Ramsey Solutions?
Coordinating FPU is simple, so extensive training isn’t needed. In addition to your free digital Coordinator Guide, you’ll get a dedicated advisor who will answer questions and guide you through your class. You’ll also find helpful videos in the Coordinator Dashboard that show you how to get the most out of your class. Changing lives is a team effort, and we’ll be with you every step of the way.
How long is the class and what is the weekly time commitment?
Financial Peace University has nine lessons. Each class lasts between 45–90 minutes, depending on the format you decide to use. Typically, classes meet once a week for each lesson.
What are the different types of class formats?
Virtual Class
Time: 45 minutes
Location: Online (video conferencing tool, like Zoom, required)
Watch Videos: On your own
Gather: For activities & discussion
Flex Class
Time: 45 minutes
Location: Anywhere
Watch Videos: On your own
Gather: For activities & discussion
Traditional Class
Time: 90 minutes
Location: Anywhere with AV equipment
Watch Videos: In class
Gather: For activities & discussion -
Where can I host the class?
That’s up to you! If you choose to have members watch the video lessons before class, then you can meet almost anywhere—in a coffee shop, online, at the park or in a restaurant. If your class decides to watch the videos as a group, feel free to host at home, at church, in a library—anywhere with an AV setup and an internet connection.
Can someone else lead with me?
Sure thing! Anyone can be a co-coordinator, including your spouse or a friend.
How many people are required to be in my group?
A group can be as large or as small as you’d like. You can close your group to the public and only invite people you know, or you can open it for anyone in your area to find. The average group size is around seven people.
How do people join my class?
Your class will have its own webpage you can share with anyone interested in joining. On this page, people can register for your class. If you open your class to the public, people will be able to find your webpage on ramseysolutions.com. But if you mark your class as private, then only those you share your webpage with will be able to join.
Can I lead a class if I’ve never taken FPU?
Yes! And we encourage that. In fact, 40% of coordinators take the class for the first time while they are leading it. You can treat coordinating FPU like leading a small group, where you study with the group and facilitate it at the same time.
What do class members need?
Before joining your class, members will need to purchase Financial Peace University, which they can buy directly from your unique class link (found on your Coordinator Dashboard). Once they've created an account, they can download their digital member workbook and immediately access all of the lessons.
What is the cost for my members?
The retail cost of a Ramsey+ membership is $129.99. The FPU class materials can be accessed through their membership. But that's not all they get. Their Ramsey+ membership will also have the premium version of EveryDollar, the BabySteps tracker, and a bunch of other products and classes to keep them motivated on their journey.