7 Smart Money Quotes to Help You Win at Life
5 Min Read | Oct 4, 2022
Financial success is like a slow cooker—it takes time.
Successful people don’t win at life because they have a magic pill or top-secret information—they work at it for years. Successful people reach their money goals by taking small, intentional steps toward those goals every day.
Have you started on your journey to financial peace? We’ve put together seven quotes from our world-class event speakers to help you continue to make changes in your budget and your life.
1. “In a heart filled with gratitude, there is no room for discontentment.” — Rachel Cruze
Finding contentment in what you have is a key part of reaching your financial goals. That new car or big-screen TV will never make you as happy as you think. You have to break the habit of choosing short-term pleasure over long-term peace—and you can do that by being thankful for what you already have.
When you’re truly grateful, you can’t help but find happiness in the blessings all around you. Believe us—it’s possible to want a better life for yourself and your family while still being thankful for the life you have now.
2. “Kids develop their identity by getting clues from you about what you think about them, feel about them, and hope for them. They become who you think they are.” — Dr. Meg Meeker
Your kids know when you trust them and when you don’t. If you don’t believe in your child’s ability to make good choices, they’ll live up to that expectation. Finances are a lifelong journey, but you can set your children up for success with your love and support.
Trusting them with smaller things when they’re young prepares them for bigger things when they get older. This is also true when it comes to teaching your children the importance of earning money through chores and setting spending and savings goals. If you believe in their ability to succeed, they’re sure to impress you in return!
3. “Conflict becomes the price we pay for a deeper level of intimacy.” — Dr. Les Parrott
When two people get married, they become one. But that doesn’t mean they automatically agree on everything. A recent study by Ramsey Solutions found that money is the number one issue married couples argue about.1 So don’t be surprised if you and your spouse have a money fight!
But when you and your spouse approach conflict with love, respect and kindness, tough conversations can open the door for a stronger connection.
4. “If you don’t decide what your priorities are in life, everyone else will decide for you.” — Christy Wright
There are times when you just have to say, “No.” It takes willpower to turn something or someone down, but if you want to take control of your life and finances, that’s exactly what you have to do.
This could include making some tough calls and even cutting back on things you really care about in order to make it work. But it’s up to you to prioritize who and what are important to you.
5. “We change our behavior when the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of changing.” — Dr. Henry Cloud
A total money makeover takes sacrifice. It’s hard to give up the lifestyle you’re used to living, even when you know it’s outside your means. However, that lifestyle is doing more harm than good.
Remember that moment when you decided you needed to change? Keep taking those steps forward, no matter how small they are! Otherwise, you’ll end up lapsing back into your bad money habits time and time again.
6. “Your decisions from today forward will affect not only your life, but also your entire legacy.” — Dave Ramsey
It’s important to know your decisions aren’t just about you—they’re laying the groundwork for your entire family tree. If you can successfully build wealth, that wealth becomes a sturdy foundation for your family to stand upon.
Want to build a non-anxious life? Learn how in Dr. John Delony’s new book.
You can’t build wealth or grow a legacy with debt. Holding onto debt is setting up future generations to repeat those same mistakes. But making smart financial choices provides an example for your children—and their children—to live by.
7. “When you change the way you think and believe, then you change the way you act.” — Ken Coleman
Taking control of your finances is 80% behavior and 20% head knowledge. Changing the way you act is vital to helping you reach your money goals. And when you truly understand the problems with your behaviors around money, you’ll be able to change the way you act.
It takes some time to un-learn bad financial habits. But once your head is in the right place, your behavior will follow!
Ready to take control of your money and get on the proven plan that's helped nearly 10 million people? Start today with Financial Peace University!