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5 Characteristics of Fulfilled People

You know them when you see them.

They’re those people who are always cheerful and smiling. They’re the ones who rarely complain, and everything they touch seems to turn to gold. They’re successful yet humble, influential yet compassionate. And the thing is, that’s who they really are! What you see is what you get, in public or behind closed doors.

What makes them that way, and how can we all start living our lives a little more like they do?

These people are fulfilled, and it’s a way of life that we can all adopt for ourselves. It just requires taking on some of the traits of fulfilled people and living our lives intentionally. Here are five of their not-so-secret secrets.

1. They Have a Plan

Fulfilled people know where they want to go in life, and they know how to get there. Not only that, but they’re not bogged down in hopelessness that it’ll never happen. They’re full of hope for the future and optimistic that with hard work and prayer, they’ll see their plans become reality.

2. They’re Full of Gratitude

Whether they’re making a salary of $30,000 or $300,000, fulfilled people are grateful for their lives and see them as a blessing from God. They don’t always long for the next, bigger, better thing. Instead, they celebrate their accomplishments and who they are now rather than comparing themselves and their circumstances to others. They may not have the best of everything, but they make the best of everything. In short, their hearts are content.

3. They Don’t Let Money Control Their Lives

Sure, we all need money to survive. But here’s where fulfilled people differ from a lot of the rest of us: money doesn’t rule their lives. They take control of their finances rather than letting their finances control them. It’s an attitude shift that plays a huge role in our happiness! When we tell our money what to do, we put ourselves in the driver’s seat.

4. They’re Debt-Free

Not only do fulfilled people take control of their money, but they take it one step further: They get debt-free. What’s the difference? People who choose not to worship money may still have debt, even though they’re probably on their way out. But those who have become completely debt-free reach a whole new level of fulfillment.

Not only is their attitude toward money different, but they’re actually able to live free of the bondage of bills, payments, interest and collectors. They can direct money toward other, bigger goals: emergency savings, retirement, a house, college, and generous giving. And when life throws them a curve ball, they’re ready because they have the money to hit back. 

5. They’re Givers

Speaking of giving, the most fulfilled people are the most generous. After all, giving is the most fun you can have with money! They feel so blessed that they’re compelled to give to others.

Broke people can’t be generous, though, because they have no margin in their finances. The road to generosity starts when you begin to make a plan for your life and take control of your money.

And when you do all those things, feeling fulfilled in your life isn’t far off.

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Ramsey Solutions

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Ramsey Solutions

Ramsey Solutions has been committed to helping people regain control of their money, build wealth, grow their leadership skills, and enhance their lives through personal development since 1992. Millions of people have used our financial advice through 22 books (including 12 national bestsellers) published by Ramsey Press, as well as two syndicated radio shows and 10 podcasts, which have over 17 million weekly listeners. Learn More.

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