Personal Finance

Managing your finances is 80% behavior and 20% head knowledge. Learn the right way to handle money—and get the tools to put it into practice.

Get Out of Debt

How We Help You Transform Your Money
  • Our mission is help you take control of your money for good.

    We don’t believe in managing debt—we get rid of it. Debt might seem normal, but normal is broke. We’ll help you break free from debt and build lasting wealth.

  • You’ll learn new habits that’ll change how you look at money.

    If you don’t intentionally manage your money, it will manage you. It’s not complicated, but you have to put in the work. We’ll help you get there using the 7 Baby Steps.

  • Your journey matters, and we’ll help you every step of the way.

    We know your financial situation is unique, and so is your path forward. From books to courses to coaching, we’ll help you find what works for you.

  • You’ll focus on timeless personal finance strategies.

    Our money advice is based on biblical financial principles and grandma’s commonsense wisdom, and it’s proven to change your behavior with money.

A debt-free family

The Money Plan That Changes Everything

Money wisdom isn’t new—the Bible talks about it over 2,300 times. It tells us to live on less than we make, save money, and build a legacy. But today’s culture embraces debt and paycheck-to-paycheck living instead. Get back to the basics using our 7 Baby Steps and build wealth the right way.

Our Personal Finance Experts

Dave Ramsey and his team of financial experts will help you crush your money goals and stay on track with the 7 Baby Steps.

  • Dave Ramsey

    Dave Ramsey
    Personal Finance and Retirement Expert

  • Rachel Cruze

    Rachel Cruze
    Personal Finance and Budgeting Expert

  • George Kamel

    George Kamel
    Personal Finance Expert

  • Jade Warshaw

    Jade Warshaw
    Personal Finance and Debt Elimination Expert

We don't just talk about money—we change lives.
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This easy-to-use budgeting app is key to helping you stay on track and crush your money goals.

Financial Peace University

Take the course that’s helped millions beat debt, build wealth, and speed through the 7 Baby Steps.

Tax Services

File smarter, not harder. Choose our easy-to-use software or let a RamseyTrusted® pro to handle it for you.

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The Bible has 2,350 verses on money, offering a clear blueprint for managing your money the right way. By following God’s financial principles—budgeting, saving, avoiding debt, and building wealth—you can experience financial peace and be free to give generously. Ramsey’s proven, commonsense Baby Steps plan isn’t just about money—it’s about creating a secure future and living with purpose. Learn more about God’s ways of managing money.

Where does grandma come into this? Well, these commonsense money principles—just like your grandma or great-grandmother used to follow—have helped generations manage their money well. Dave has been teaching these principles for 30 years because they still work today.

We believe having debt is the opposite of healthy personal finances. Your income is your greatest wealth-building tool. And you can’t build wealth when all your income goes toward debt payments every month. That’s why a life without credit cards and loans is a life of financial peace—no more worrying about missed payments or using your paychecks to cover the past. Learn how to pay off debt fast.

When you follow the 7 Baby Steps, you’ll start investing 15% of your household income in retirement after you’ve completed Baby Steps 1–3. Once you’ve paid off all your consumer debt and saved 3–6 months of expenses in a fully funded emergency fund, then you’re ready. Find out more about how to invest in your future with a trustworthy pro.

If you have personal or self-employed income and feel confident using tax software, you can easily file online with Ramsey SmartTax. If you have more complicated taxes, don’t want to take the time to do your own taxes, or want expert advice, then a RamseyTrusted® tax advisor is for you.