How It Works


Take the free insurance Coverage
Checkup online.


Answer some simple questions in about
5 minutes or less.


Get your personalized action plan and
come back to it whenever you want!

Your Coverage Checkup Action Plan

Access your personalized action plan whenever you want to update, view or tackle the next recommended item.

laptop and mobile example of the action plan location

Coverage Types We Assess

This site and its tools are provided for generalized informational and illustrative purposes only. The tools offered on this site are designed to provide accurate information, but your individual situation may necessitate analysis of additional factors not accounted for by this site or its tools. When making decisions regarding insurance coverage or considering the information provided by this tool, you should consult licensed professionals. The Lampo Group, LLC, and its affiliates, do not provide legal, accounting, insurance or other professional advice. The information generated by this tool depends upon the information you supply, and, therefore, we do not warrant any results or information generated by this tool.