We’re excited to announce our Ramsey Education scholarship program. Foundations students apply here!

Let's Find the Right Personal Finance Curriculum for you!


Curriculum for public and private high schools.



Curriculum for homeschool families and co-ops.

We’re Now Aligned for National Certification!

Higher Ed

Looking for a college course?


We’re now aligned for national certification!

Active State


A Little Bit About Ramsey Education
Foundations in Personal Finance Students

Our Mission

Too many students enter adulthood with debt, worry and stress. We’re on a mission to change that, and we invite you to join us! We believe in giving every student the confidence, security and hope of knowing how to manage their money and their lives.

Our Philosophy

We believe personal finance is 20% head knowledge and 80% behavior. We teach practical skills for real-life situations, so students are prepared for the real world. Our curriculum is built to help students set and achieve their goals—and empower them to find work they’re passionate about.

20% head knowledge and 80% behavior graphic

We Don’t Just Publish—We Lead

Ramsey Education began more than two decades ago when financial expert Dave Ramsey kept hearing the same thing from radio callers about money: "I wish I’d learned this stuff in high school!" That feedback inspired us to create a personal finance curriculum for high school students—to teach them how money really works.


of high schools have
taught our curriculum

7 million+

student lives changed

20+ years

as a trusted curriculum by educators

Hear From Teachers and Students
Students are saying this is legit. This is stuff we’re going to use. It blew my mind when I had an 18-year-old student that went and opened a Roth IRA on his own the day after we started the investment chapter.


High School Teacher

Taking the Foundations in Personal Finance course has changed my thoughts on money drastically, I now see how important it is to have control over your money and where it is going.


High School Student

I’ve learned so many things about college from just this class alone that have helped me tremendously. You’re going to learn stuff that’s going to be hard to forget once you graduate and leave class. It’s going to stick with you. 


High School Student

Foundations in Personal Finance taught me that you don’t have to come from money to have money, you can start from nothing but if you work hard enough and you put your mind to it you can be financially free.


High School Student

Active State Adoptions for Foundations in Personal Finance

• Texas
• South Carolina